torstai 3. toukokuuta 2012

Event Price Per Person Price Total
Accomodations 139 6950
Bus 70 3500
Flight 70 3500
Kayaking 35 1750
Sailing, With Dinner 145 7250
Rock Climbing 0 0
Mobile Phone Throwing(Not Competition) 0 0
Mobile Phone Throwing(Competition) 5 250
Rubber Boot Throwing(Not Competition) 0 0
Wife Carrying Contest (Not competition) 0 0
Wife Carrying Contest (Competition) 55 2750
Swamp Football 0 0
Bear Reindeer Watching 0 0
12 KM Hike 0 0
Mosquito Killing Contest 0 0
Smoke Sauna-(Need To Negotiate) 20 1000
Santa Claus(Need to Negotiate) 11 550
Air Guitar 0 0

Total: 550 27500  Final draft 

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